New Student Registration 👤 What is your name?✉️ What is your e-mail address? 📞 Enter your phone number💬 Can you receive text messages at the number listed above? Yes No 🧑🎓 Who will be taking the lessons? Myself Someone Else How many students do you want to register 1 2 3 4+ Student NameStudent AgeInstrumentSelect instrument to continueGuitarViolinUkuleleMandolinBanjoPianoElectric BassUpright BassStudent NameStudent AgeInstrumentSelect instrument to continueGuitarViolinUkuleleMandolinBanjoPianoElectric BassUpright BassStudent NameStudent AgeInstrumentSelect instrument to continueGuitarViolinUkuleleMandolinBanjoPianoElectric BassUpright BassStudent NameStudent AgeInstrumentSelect instrument to continueGuitarViolinUkuleleMandolinBanjoPianoElectric BassUpright BassDo you own your instrument(s) already? Yes No Do you own your instrument(s) already? Yes No Do you own your instrument(s) already? Yes No What best describes the student's current level of musical experience? New beginner Experienced beginner Intermediate player Advanced player Do you own your instrument already? Yes No What best describes the groups current level of musical experience? Mixed skill levels Mostly new beginners Mostly experienced beginners Mostly intermediate players Mostly advanced players What instrument do you want to play? Guitar Violin Ukulele Banjo Mandolin Piano Upright Bass Electric Bass What best describes your current level of musical ability? New beginner Experienced beginner Intermediate player Advanced player Do you own this instrument already? Yes No 🏠 What days of the week are you available to do lessons? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Click the checkbox below when you are finished marking days Click here when finished selecting all days Please list window(s) of time 🕒 ↓ MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayPlease list window(s) of time 🕒 ↑ Click the checkbox below when you are finished adding times Click here when finished adding times 👂How did you hear about SLO Music Lessons? (Optional) Google / search result 🌐 Referred by a friend 👤 Met or saw Scott at an event 🎉 🌐 Google / search result - why did you choose SLO Music Lessons?👤 Referred by a friend - who was it?🎉 Met or saw Scott at an event - where?